Board of Directors 2023–2024

To contact a board member by email, please click on his or her name in the list below:


Position Name Phone Company
President Don Sanchez 604-461-6636  Garaventa Lift
Vice President Julie Gilby 902-468-6006 CKG Elevator
Treasurer Chi Kit Wong 604-980-0364 West Coast Elevator Services Ltd.
Secretary Braden Hopkirk 416-724-2228 Trident Elevator Company Ltd.
Eastern Region Chair Karl Lepage 418-878-4116 Global Tardif Elevator Manufacturing Group
Central Region Chair Don Cowan 905-682-2427 Brock Elevator Ltd.
Prairie Region Chair Jeff Pugh 403-259-4183 TK Elevator (Canada) Ltd.
Western Region Chair Chi Kit Wong 604-980-0364 West Coast Elevator Services Ltd.
Membership Chair/Supplier Secretary Hugh Hunter 905-492-5577 Wurtec Inc.
Supplier Chair Jeff Collins 416-742-3665 Renown Electric Motors and Repairs Inc.
Past President Phil Staite 905-305-0195 Quality Allied Elevator
Executive Director Catharine Bothwell 905-446-03279 CECA/ACEA

L to R:  Hugh Hunter, Jeff Pugh, Catharine Bothwell, Chi Kit Wong, Phil Staite, Jeff Collins,

Don Sanchez, Karl Lepage, Julie Gilby, Don Cowan, Braden Hopkirk.